A new national law – The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act – will soon give employees the right to receive workplace changes they need for pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. These work changes are called “reasonable accommodations.” They are available to help pregnant people avoid unsafe conditions and to stay healthy when the physical changes of pregnancy and childbirth mean that they cannot continue working in the same way as before. Accommodations are also available for health needs related to breastfeeding and chestfeeding, abortion, miscarriage, pregnancy loss, fertility treatment, and menstruation. These new protections will begin on June 27, 2023.
In anticipation, the Center for WorkLife Law is gearing up to ensure that workers know their rights and employers are ready to comply. Our new resource: Pregnancy Accommodations Explained explains the reasons employees need changes at work because of pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions, and it identifies different reasonable accommodations that may help. Our new detailed guide may be useful to workers, HR professionals, and lawyers.
Questions? For information about the laws that give rights to employees who need accommodations for pregnancy and related conditions, contact the Center for WorkLife Law at 415-565-4640 or info@worklifelaw.org.